Premium Products for the music community since 1884

Mehr als 130 Jahre Erfahrung

Als Hersteller und Markenvertrieb bieten wir die hochwertigsten
Produkte und Marken für klassische Streichinstrumente an.

Logo götz

Premium products for the music community since 1884.

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Logo Jargar Strings

The quality of tone for your instruments. 

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Logo bam

We care for your instrument!

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Logo Thomastik Infeld Vienna

Strings with the vastest range of tone colors since 1919.

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Logo Willner

Widest range of Metronomes in the world.

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Logo Lapella

Clean and care products for string instruments.

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Logo Titebond

The pro‘s advantage.

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Logo KUN

Exceptional materials to exacting technical and aesthetic standards.

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Logo W.E. Hill & Sons

Violin and bow makers.

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Logo Aubert Lutherie

Chevalets de très haute qualité.

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Viva la Musica

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Logo celloGard

Be safe. Not sorry.

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C.A. Götz jr. auf Instagram

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